C 💕 Crys Cosmetics: how it all started

On Wednesday, April 14, 2021 the ‘C Crys Cosmetics’ brand of Handmade Lipglosses was launched on Facebook and Instagram. The lipglosses from ‘C Crys Cosmetics’ are made from high quality Surinamese and foreign ingredients, enriched with nourishing natural oils such as our famous Surinamese coconut oil.

Currently, there are three (3) different flavors/colors of lipgloss: Enchanted Pearls (Pearly Gold), Champagne Elegance (Brownish/Champagne Color) and Passion Pink (obviously, the color is in the name!). In this blog I will cover the story behind the establishment of ‘C Crys Cosmetics’ and future plans for this upcoming small business. Before I continue I would like to thank everyone who has been supporting me so far; My parents and my Love for encouraging and believing in me, my aunt who shared a lot of knowledge with me, Everyone who shared my post or purchased this product and also all the encouraging words and feedback I have been receiving.


Enchanted Pearls
Champagne Elegance

Passion Pink

The Journey

From a very young age I always enjoyed being creative. For me it was a very good way of expressing myself. I liked to do that through music, writing and nowadays I have also developed a lot of interest in room decorating.

About 2 years ago I considered starting my own small business which was going to be a whole other type of business than what I have now. Because of my quite busy life, joggling between work, school and other social activities, I thought that it was not the right time, knowing that establishing and running a business would require a lot of my time. Over time I would come up with a lot of ideas, but I would never actually write them down and come up with an actual business plan.

Last year (July 2020) I had a conversation with my aunt who has been an entrepreneur for a very long time, about all the business ideas I had but never executed. For me it was mostly fear of the unknown and supposed lack of time which held me back from pursuing my dreams. So we talked about a lot of businesses and then came to the lipgloss business. I really liked that idea, because I really LOVE lipgloss. I’d always prefer that over lipstick, because I just like how it has this glossy natural touch to it. Even on days when I just wasn’t feeling it, I could just put on some lipgloss and feel a little better. So I really considered actually learning the in’s and out’s about this business. Even with nothing in place yet, I started drafting my brand name/logo ‘C Crys (Cosmetics)’ which is a combination of the initial of my first name ‘Carol’ and ‘Crys’ is derived from my second name ‘Crystal’.

Logo C 💕 Crys Cosmetics

So, I started to do some research and in January 2021 I did a one-on-one lipgloss making workshop at Jedally’s Hair and Beauty Institute. I learned a lot in a very short period of time and this made me very enthoustiastic about going through with my ideas. I gave a few samples from the batch of lipglosses I made during the workshop to some family members and friends to get their feedback on this product. They were very excited about the lipgloss and I also received some very useful feedback! After that I started investing, buying all the ingredients and necessary supplies.

The process and the result of the Lipgloss Making Workshop

In March 2021, the one-on-one course I did in January, got some promo on the facebook page of the Institute where I had the one-on-one work session. I started to get messages from people who were interested in my lipgloss! I was so happy! Within two weeks’ time, I managed to get everything in place for the “big” launch on April the 14th. The feedback and support I got was tremendous!!

C 💕 Crys Cosmetics Lipgloss Collection


The reason I really went through with this business idea is because I realized that a lot of things we see as limits or obstacles are actually only in our minds. I also think it is really important to make time for the things you really love and aspire to do while you have the chance. If you have the proper mindset and put in the work you can really achieve anything you want! I never even thought I would actually have my own small business someday, but I’m so glad I put in the work! To know that I can make an impact by creating a product that people like and that is also beneficial for their skincare, gives me an indescribable feeling!

(Near) future plans

In the near future I will certainly introduce more colors. The possibility of matte lipglosses is also being considered. I also don’t exclude expanding this business with other types of skin care products. For now one of the main goals is to continuously improve this product in every possible way.

I hope this story inspires at least one person to just follow their dreams; whatever it might be! And as we say in Dutch: “Niet geschoten is altijd mis!”



For Inquiries please contact at:

Email address: c.crys.cosmetics@gmail.com.

Mobile Number: +5977422716

Also connect with C 💕 Crys Cosmetics on Instagram: c.crys.cosmetics & Facebook: C CRYS COSMETICS.


Have you ever had that feeling?

Like you need to accomplish something, but you’re too afraid to let everyone down.

Because you know that they have high expectations of you.

Maybe you were always one of the brightest or maybe they just invested a lot in you.

So you failing would be the least they would expect.

That feeling is called pressure.

When you’re under too much pressure you are so focused on how not to fail instead of how you can be successful.

You are constantly thinking about how it would be if you failed. How would the world react?

Would you be the disappointment?

When you’re under so much pressure you can easily fail.

The thing you did not want at all will come right on your path.

The reason? You didn’t handle the pressure very well.

There are a lot of people out there, especially young ones, who are under a lot of pressure.

Afraid to let their family, friends and sometimes even themselves down.

The one thing these people need to know is that failure is not a bad thing.

No one can judge you if you know that you did the best you could do.

Everyone has their good moments and their not so good moments.

And after all nobody is perfect. So why do you have to be?

So put away those unhealthy fears and try to be the best version of yourself.

That version that will succeed, make mistakes and even fail sometimes.

But hey! It is okay! After all you are human!



Written in 2011

280 words of Affirmations


From now on…

I will let go of my fears

The fear to fail, the fear to be alone, the fear of sorrow, the fear of judgement.

I will stay motivated

Although this road can be hard sometimes, I mean VERY HARD, I will push through regardless. The future holds miracles my love, but to catch those miracles you got to have patience, faith and persistance.

My mind is like a sponge

My mind absorbs all the things that are said to me and all the things I say to myself. Whether they are good or bad. Being surrounded by negativity will create in me a mind full of doubt, anger, self-hate and insanity. So just like the sponge, my mind will reciprocate all these toxic traits after absorbing them. A sponge containing soap, will reciprocate soap after squeezing it. So let my soap be: love, hope, forgiveness and peace. This means I have to feed myself with words that pour into me positivity. So I can give all this positive energy to myself and others.

I am my biggest supporter

Support from my loved ones is great and I am very grateful for it. But if I do not support myself like I want to be supported by others, I will never have a feeling of confidence that is everlasting.

I can learn something from everyone I meet and they can learn from me

I have to be willing to learn from others as I cross paths with them. Having honest conversations with people can result in an exchange of knowledge and experience. This is how I can improve myself and also contribute to the growth of others.




De brug naar het verschil

Soms lijkt het alsof ik mezelf niet ken.

Het ene moment zie ik het zo zitten, het andere moment lijkt alles zo negatief.

Ik weet niet wie ik ben, ik weet niet wat ik voel, Ik weet niet of dit wel normaal is.

“In het leven zullen dingen niet altijd gaan zoals wij dat willen” is een veelvoorkomende uitspraak.

Ik verwacht gewoon te veel, omdat ik in staat ben veel te geven.

Als mens heb je toch de meeste invloed op jezelf? Dus als je iets goeds verwacht, moet je zelf ook goed doen.

Je moet gaan snappen dat jij echt het verschil kan uitmaken.

Een probleem zal altijd een probleem blijven als je er geen oplossing voor bedenkt.

Mensen hebben het vaak erover hoe anderen ze kwaad aan doen.

Desondanks, is het vaak zo dat diezelfde mensen ervoor kiezen anderen te pijnigen.

Wat je niet geeft, kan je niet opeisen.

We moeten beseffen dat elk individu een belangrijke brug is naar het verschil.



Geschreven in 2016



Beautiful Girl


Karakter beach

A beautiful girl is a girl who is pretty on the outside and beautiful on the inside.

She has a heart that is more worth than gold.

She can also deal with difficult situations when she gets old.

You can feel the love when you hold her hand.

She takes you to a place that is greater than a beautiful island.

What I am trying to say is that true beauty is not what you see on the outside, but what comes from the inside.

That kind of love, patience, care and understanding that shows brighter than a light.

She always supports you and tells you that you can.

So that beautiful girl is who I am.




This poem was written in 2007.

The hidden beauty of Rejection

If you’re a go-getter you have probably heard and read about all the steps you have to take in order to achieve your goals. But let us be honest, sometimes it feels like all your effort and dedication don’t seem to pay off, especially when it comes to long-term goals such as a career. We can work hard towards our goals, but we can’t avoid rejection.

Rejection is something we face multiple times throughout our lives, but it can affect us badly everytime it strikes. I don’t think I’m only speaking for myself if I say that rejection can make one feel insecure about one’s capability. Questions like: “Why am I not capable enough?”, “What did I do wrong?”, “Will I ever be enough?” are quick to pop in our minds. Don’t get me wrong.. I think that self-reflection is very important in order to grow as a person. But most of the time rejection is connected to circumstances which are beyond our control.

I think that rejection is one of the thoughest hurdles that is completely beyond our control, but affects us so immensely. That’s why I want to share the following analogy that Tamera Mowry-Housley (Sister, Siter co-star) quoted about rejection she has faced throughout her career:

“If you take a really nice chair and put it in another home, it may not fit. But that doesn’t mean it’s not beautiful or a great chair. It just doesn’t fit in that home.”

This chair analogy literally has changed my perspective on rejection and it has helped me cope with it much better. I am a firm believer that things are meant to happen when the time is right. On the other hand I also believe that rejection can sometimes be our blessing in disguise. Sometimes the thing that seems to be your destiny is actually holding you back from your greatness! So the next time you get rejected, please keep this analogy in mind and remind yourself that you are worthy and capable. Your greatness will truly flourish in an environment you fit in!




Can you imagine? Waking up everyday without something to look forward to, something you know will give you a feeling of fulfillment at the end of the day. Waking up without a purpose?

Without being conscious of it we set up small goals everyday. Setting up a great method to study for the upcoming exams or writing a killer thesis, planning a family trip so we can catch up with each other after a busy period or planning a charity event. These examples are all small goals we set up for ourselves everyday so our lives can be organized and pleasant.

About 2 years ago my brother and I had a very interesting conversation about life. During that beautiful conversation he dropped a very unexpected question. He asked me what my purpose was in life. I was a little overwhelmed by his question, because I did not have the answer to it right away. I realized that at that particular moment I did not really know what my purpose in life was. He comforted me by saying that it was not a bad thing that I did not know my purpose, but it surely was something I needed to think about. I didn’t have the answer to his question the next week, nor the next month.

After a while I came to the conclusion that I always knew what my purpose in life was, I had just lost sight of it. As a young girl I always knew I wanted to offer a helping hand where needed and encourage and inspire people, especially young ones and the people I love dearly.

I believe that everyone has a purpose in life. Some discover it when they are teenagers, others when they are adults. Our purpose does not only help us to become a better person, but is most of the time also connected to other people.Some people want to be a outstanding artist, an inspiring motivational speaker, a phenomenal doctor, a great teacher or a devoted husband/wife and parent. Although these purposes differ so much, they all have one thing in common: all of them can change other people their lives for the better and have the ability to make this world a better place to live in.

I believe your purpose in life is the thing that gives you the extra drive and the feeling of fulfillment. It depends on ourselves to discover the small goals which are necessary into reaching our ultimate purpose in life!




The depth of Friendships

It’s fun, isn’t it? Having friends to go out with and have a great time! But when was the last time you sat down or talked on the phone with a good friend about life, goals and your deepest feelings. Most people set out certain criteria for a good partner in a romantic relationship. But how many of us do the same for friendships? I think that having healthy friendships is just as important as having a healthy (romantic) relationship. Our friends have a considerable influence on us, often more than we think. Sometimes we remain friends with certain people, simply because it has been that way for a very long time. This, despite the fact that we don’t like how they treat us or how they make us feel.

Have you ever been friends with someone, but the person gives off a certain unexplainable vibe? This often happens in the form of constantly making unnecessary “stupid” jokes about you, making unpleasant comments about how you look or even about your lifestyle. And when they decide to give you a compliment, it’s often followed by an insult. You certainly don’t expect your friend to mean any harm, but in the back of your mind your confused as to whether his or hers intentions are good. It wasn’t until recently, when I found out that there was a reason we could sense certain vibes when we are around people. Studies have shown that we can actually smell emotions. And the interesting part is that these emotions are automatically activated by our brain when smelling them. Imagine what happens when you associate with someone only a daily basis, whose intentions towards you are not good. Without being conscious of it, you take up negative energy that doesn’t contribute to your well-being.

This should be more than a awareness of how picky we should be about who we choose to be amongst. Too often we continue unhealthy friendships, because we don’t want to have less friends or even be friendless. The thing is.. having a lot of friends (being surrounded by many people) doesn’t automatically mean your life will be more fun. Teenagers and young adults often are too focused on being liked by others. This results in choosing to associate with people, even when the friendship is superficial. What we should actually be focusing on is having healthy relationships with people and working on ourselves to establish this. Developing healthy relationships starts in our immediate surroundings. You can start by finding a friend in a parent, a sibling, a cousin, an aunt or uncle. 

As I was maturing, I began to realize the importance of having great relationships with people. People who make you feel comfortable, who support and who trigger you to reach your full potential, but also point out your mistakes without insulting you. I can’t imagine overcoming certain phases without people who supported and inspired me to be better! Happiness comes from within, but it’s helps a lot when you’re surrounded by people who remind you of your greatness and remind you that you deserve happiness. It’s really the little, yet so thoughtful, things friends do that make you realize how special your bond with them is. There is no formula for a  great friendship, but great things happen when people uplift each other and try to learn from one another. You shouldn’t expect perfection from people, but if a friendship makes you unhappy or uncomfortable it’s probably not meant to be! 


Braamspunt in Suriname displaying the endless friendship between the sea and shore.

Photo credit: Fadiel R. Baksoellah (https: //www.facebook.com/FadielBaksoellah/)

A master’s degree in Life lessons?

From a very young age I was determined about what I wanted in life. I was always a good student and I didn’t play about my education! I always knew I wanted to become independent at a very young age (my early 20s). When I was in high school I set a goal. I was going to get my bachelor’s degree and a decent job at the age of 21, have my masters degree at 23 and eventually settle down. I was very certain about my study choice and I looked forward going to college!

I had a really great time during my bachelor course and liked studying. My “21-23-Miss Independent” goal really kept me motivated, which made everything much easier. Everything was going perfect, so how can I not reach my goal?!!

I was on track and I could finally do my research in order to graduate. I was pretty sure what kind of research I wanted to do. The disappointment began when I found out that my plan was not going to work out like I thought. But I was not about to give up on my perfect plan I had set up for myself. I was so focused on a certain research that I did not take the time to explore other options. Eventually I did try other things, without any result. It really made me sad that I didn’t make any progress whatsoever. I really started to feel like all my hard work didn’t pay off in the end and for the first time in my life I felt like a failure. After some time I began to realize that I needed to do something else other than waiting for the perfect opportunity. So I applied for a few part-time jobs. One day, I told my mom I was so tired of waiting and I was done stressing about my future and I told her that I would give all my worries to God. God knows what’s best for me and I had faith that He would take care of me.

One or two days later I got a phone call from one of the places I had applied for a job and they wanted to know if I was still interested! I started working the next day! Two days after I started working, I was offered two researches. I was so mind-blown…I could not believe that after such a long time I could finally make some steps towards my goal. I had to make a good choice between the two researches, in order to maintain a balance between work and school.

I began to regain my confidence and I started to be happy again. At work I met and communicated with a lot of people. I was pretty shy back then, so I could really use this as a way to develop my social skills. This job really helped me to improve myself. This would not be possible if my “21/23-Miss Independent” goal worked out. 

Setting goals and having dreams is great, but way too often we are so hard on ourselves when things don’t go as expected. Now and then its necessary for you to get out of your comfort zone in order for you to grow! I got my bachelor’s degree at the age of 23, almost 2 years later than I thought I would, but I have never been more proud of myself! It’s not about the destination, but about the journey. God has blessings with your name on them and he is going to hand them over to you when you need them the most! 



Welcome to my blog!

Dear reader, welcome to my blog!

My name is Carol and I’m an ambitious 23 year old woman who loves challenges and likes to improve herself. I was born and raised in Suriname, which lies in the northeastern part of South America. Suriname is mostly known for its multicultural diversity. When I’m all by myself I’m mainly busy with music. Being born to parents who love music, it was pretty obvious I would develop a certain interest in it. I learned to play the piano at the age of 8 and later on I began to sing more frequently. Offering a helping hand is something I will always do. In this blog I’ll talk about the things that drove me to blogging. 


In my teenage years I began to write poems. I had no knowledge at all about writing poems and I never took the time to learn the rules of poetry. Through the years I begin to write down my feelings whenever something I had experienced or something that I saw, lingered on my mind. After writing down my feelings I felt much better. It wasn’t until last year (2016) when I really started to experience the impact that writing had on me. I had difficulty reaching an important goal, due to circumstances beyond my control. This experience left me sad and uninspired. The mind shift happened when I started to watch (motivational) speakers such as Heather Lindsey. To my surprise I could really relate to their stories. I would also draw my strength from reading bible verses. I also felt better after long and deep conversations with my loved ones. 

And finally I was making some progress into reaching my goal… It was then when I realized that this rough period was not my downfall, but a life lesson that would develop me into the woman I am today. I plan to write a comprehensive blog about this great life lesson. I really tried my best to stay positive regardless of the circumstances. Whenever I went through a rough time I would write down a (mostly comprehensive) motivational quote expressing exactly how I feel. I realized that writing down my own motivational quote about the way felt at that moment, would inspire me and help me to keep on going. Sometimes I would post these quotes on facebook. You can really get inspired by others, but sometimes even by yourself. I decided that I would begin a blog after I graduated in August this year. This weekend I decided that I would finally start my blog, after I watched motivational speeches for almost 3 hours. Simon Sinek (author, motivational speaker and marketing consultant) really stood out to me. What can I say…I suddenly felt so inspired to do so many things and starting this blog was one of them. The main purpose for my blog is to inspire people, just like I was inspired!

What you can expect 

Although my native langauge is Dutch, I will write my blogs in English in order to reach a bigger audience. Only in exceptional cases I will write in Dutch. I’ll mostly post my ideas, thoughts and experiences about certain issues the average young person deals with. I’ll also write about how I found my purpose in life, how I improved myself as a person and how I think we can help each other to do so. I’ll share some of my own experiences which shaped me and things I’ve learned from others. I intend to blog at least once a week, probably in the weekend.

I hope you enjoyed reading my blog and I’m looking forward to writing more!

Feel free to share your thoughts and ideas in the comment section!

